Praise for the Series
“The Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity series rightly identifies the pivotal role of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in shaping tomorrow’s global Christianity and addresses the shortage of resources for training future leaders. The titles of the series will serve this Christian family’s continuing growth by providing textbooks for its theological education.”—Wonsuk Ma, Oral Roberts University
“The church and academy are finally ready for Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity, which relays the insights and perspectives of mature Pentecostal and Charismatic theologians and biblical scholars on a broad array of important theological topics, doctrinal loci, and practical realities. ”—Amos Yong, Fuller Theological Seminary
This series will change your life.
Come on buddy! Who are you to resist. You students will love this and we are amazing. Anna ROCKS! Shocka too!
The Bible, God, and Natural Disasters
Terence E. Fretheim9780801038938
Engaging Biblical Texts for Faith and Formation
Joel B. Green9780801039638
A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment
Brent A. Strawn9780801048883
The Enduring Possibility of Christian Faith
R. W. L. Moberly9780801099762
An Invitation to Linger with the Gospel according to Paul
Beverly Roberts Gaventa9781540960719
Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church
Scot McKnight9781587434266
Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today
M. Daniel Carroll R.9781540965080