Part 1: Gospels and Acts
1. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats as a Summons to Total Discipleship: Matthew 25:31-46 in Conversation with "Integral Orthodoxy" Bernardo Cho, Brazil
2. Seeing the Divine Beauty on the Way to the Cross: Reading the Transfiguration in Mark from a Russian Perspective Viktor Roudkovski, Russia
3. Power and Exorcism in Luke: An Indonesian Reading Dany Christopher, Indonesia
4. "For God So Loved Hong Kong/Hongkongers": A Literary and Territoriality Reading of John 3:16-21 Josaphat Tam, Hong Kong, China
5. Empowering Place and Expanding "Eden": A Batak Reading of the Theology of the Land in the Book of Acts Chakrita Saulina, Indonesia
Part 2: Pauline Epistles
6. Reading Romans in the Midst of Empire: Chinese Readers Grappling with Romans 13:1-7 Sze-kar Wan, China
7. Spoilage of Jang-Yu-Yu-Seo: Paul's Response through 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Jin Hwan Lee, South Korea
8. Sin, Pollution, and Cleansing in 2 Corinthians 7:1: An African Perspective J. Ayodeji Adewuya, Nigeria
9. A Kenyan Rereading of Galatians Elizabeth Mburu, Kenya
10. Galatians as the Basis for Resisting American Evangelicalism's "Works of the Law": A Word for Ethnic Minorities Miguel G. Echevarría, USA, Latin American
11. Grace at Work: Reading Ephesians 2:11-22 with the Filipino Diaspora Gabriel J. Catanus, Philippines
12. Philippians and a Spirituality of Joy: A Colombian Rereading Davinson Kevin Bohorquez, Colombia
13. Colossians and Philemon: An Egyptian Coptic Perspective Fady Mekhael, Egypt
14. Paul's Dokimazō in 1 Thessalonians 2:4 in Light of Ancient Greece Dokimasia of the Orators: Implications for Ministers of the Gospel in the Twenty-First Century Gift Mtukwa, Zimbabwe
15. The Pastoral Epistles and Training the Younger Generation on Ancient Crete Lyn M. Kidson, Australia
Part 3: Hebrews through Revelation
16. Christ Intercedes or Judges? An Examination of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church's Rendering and Interpretation of Entynchanō in Hebrews 7:25 Abeneazer G. Urga, Ethiopia
17. Patience in the Light of the Lord's Coming (James 5:7-11): A Latin American Reading Nelson Morales, Guatemala
18. Reading 1 Peter among the Elect Resident Aliens in Sri Lanka David A. deSilva, Sri Lanka
19. 1 Peter and African American Experience Dennis R. Edwards, USA, African American
20. An Appeal to Holiness in 2 Peter and Jude: Reading from an Indian Perspective Lanuwabang Jamir, India
21. Being Church in Post-Aparthaid South Africa: Theological Perspectives from1 John Caroline Seed, South Africa
22. Reading Revelation among the People Living with Symbolic Emperor System Masanobu Endo, Japan